Farmworkers have some questions for the Ahold-Delhaize CEO

Next week, Hannaford’s parent company Ahold Delhaize will hold its annual meeting of shareholders. It’s been a good year for Ahold: sales topped $80 billion with nearly $2.5 billion in profits – a whopping 60% increase! – stocks rose over 20%, and executives raked in millions in salary and bonuses. Ahold’s wealthy shareholders will come together next Wednesday to celebrate the company’s windfall profits. But that prosperity is clearly not shared by the farmworkers who form the backbone of the grocery business. And those farmworkers have some questions for Ahold’s CEO.

Check out the new video of dairy workers asking Ahold’s CEO some difficult questions, the most important of which is: Are you ready to join Milk with Dignity?

“my boss ran me off the farm, even though I was the victim”

Dairy workers are calling out the abuses on farms producing milk for Hannaford Supermarkets. In response to every denunciation, Hannaford has repeated the statement that it expects all its suppliers to "follow labor laws and treat workers fairly and humanely.” Its parent company, Ahold Delhaize touts its commitment to “ethical behavior” and “human rights.”

But farmworkers like Maricela know from painful experience the wide gap between lofty words and real protections. She recently shared:

My name is Mari and I’ve worked on dairy farms for the last five years. I first came here to give my children a better life. During my time as a farmworker I have been discriminated against and harassed. As a woman, it’s hard to face this inequality. I have worked 60 hour weeks, in the cold, for less than minimum wage. I’ve worked on different farms, some better than others, but the last farm I was on was the worst of them all. 

Read Mari's full testimony, then make a call to Hannaford today to let them know that the only way to make their "expectations" a reality is to join the Milk with Dignity Program!

End of day update: over 375 calls made to Hananford!

Hannaford, don't be a fool. Join Milk with Dignity!

Today on April Fools’ Day, farmworkers are leaving messages on the facebook page of Hannaford Supermarkets, urging the company to join Milk with Dignity.

Our worker-led human rights program is an opportunity for companies to take responsibility for labor and housing conditions in their dairy supply chains. It is the only way that a company like Hannaford can guarantee that its milk is sourced free from human rights violations. To pass on that opportunity is, well, foolish.

Take a minute to head to Hannaford’s Facebook page and leave a message under a recent post showing your support for Milk with Dignity.

Today! Call Hannaford to demand Milk with Dignity

Following our recent press conference and picket at their central offices, Hannaford repeated the statement that it requires all its suppliers to "follow labor laws and treat workers fairly and humanely," and is conducting farm audits to make sure these expectations are being met. But these claims are roundly contradicted by the dozens of dairy workers who have spoken out to denounce the low pay, long hours, inhumane housing, workplace dangers, and abusive conditions on the farms behind Hannaford-brand milk.

Stand with farmworkers! Make a call to Hannaford today to let them know that the only way to make their "expectations" a reality is to join the Milk with Dignity Program!

End of day update: more than 375 calls made!

“We will work with the same tenacity to create a better future:” Milk with Dignity campaign comes to Hannaford’s Headquarters!

This past week, a delegation of dairy workers and organizers returned to Maine to continue pushing for the expansion of Milk with Dignity. Farmworkers and consumers joined together to call on Hannaford Supermarkets to address abuses in its dairy supply chain and join the worker-led human rights program.

On Friday – after months of calls, emails, and letters met with no direct response – Migrant Justice knocked on the office doors to ask for a meeting to discuss our invitation to Hannaford to join the Milk with Dignity Program. Hannaford´s response was to throw us off the property. 

So we returned the next day accompanied by dozens of local allies to hold a press conference and rally outside Hannaford’s central offices. In the face of the company’s continued refusal to meet with farmworkers in their dairy supply chain, we took the campaign right to their doorstep.

Click “Read More” to check out the full photo report from the day’s action!

Winning new federal protections, while Vermont blocks change

While Migrant Justice is winning immigrant rights protections on the federal level, officials in our home state of Vermont are blocking policy that would stop local police from collaborating with ICE and Border Patrol. A state agency is considering our policy recommendations and we need your help to push them to do the right thing.

Read more to get the full story!

Today: Call Hannaford to Demand Milk with Dignity!

Farmworkers need your support today in their fight for rights and dignity. Hannaford Supermarkets has been ignoring the workers milking cows to produce their store-brand milk. Dairy workers labor long hours in dangerous conditions for little pay and lack basic protections – all while Hannaford has made record profits during the pandemic.

Today, December 2nd, we are asking our supporters around the country to flood Hannaford with messages. Call Hannaford's President Mike Vail to tell him to treat farmworkers fairly and join Milk with Dignity!

End-of-day update: Over 275 calls made to Hannaford!

Give thanks to farmworkers – and their fight for human rights

As many families gather today over a meal, it’s just another work day for farmworkers, who are toiling on fields and in barns to put food on our holiday tables. Migrant Justice members are busy milking cows, cleaning stalls – and planning out the next steps in the campaign to expand the Milk with Dignity Program.

On December 2nd, hundreds will call Hannaford Supermarkets to demand Milk with Dignity. Sign up here to attend a training on 12/1, then take a shift to contact supporters and help drive calls to Hannaford!

This fall saw the biggest actions yet in our efforts to invite Hannaford to join Milk with Dignity and expand the program’s human rights protections to hundreds more dairy workers. Following our 29-stop, 7-state “Dignity Tour,” farmworkers led hundreds through the streets of Portland in the Maine March on Hannaford, bringing the campaign to the grocery chain’s backyard.

Click "Read More" below to see a full photo-report from the Maine March on Hannaford!
