“my boss ran me off the farm, even though I was the victim”
Posted Thu, 04/07/2022 - 8:12am
Dairy workers are calling out the abuses on farms producing milk for Hannaford Supermarkets. In response to every denunciation, Hannaford has repeated the statement that it expects all its suppliers to "follow labor laws and treat workers fairly and humanely.” Its parent company, Ahold Delhaize touts its commitment to “ethical behavior” and “human rights.”
But farmworkers like Maricela know from painful experience the wide gap between lofty words and real protections. She recently shared:
My name is Mari and I’ve worked on dairy farms for the last five years. I first came here to give my children a better life. During my time as a farmworker I have been discriminated against and harassed. As a woman, it’s hard to face this inequality. I have worked 60 hour weeks, in the cold, for less than minimum wage. I’ve worked on different farms, some better than others, but the last farm I was on was the worst of them all.
End of day update: over 375 calls made to Hananford!