Support Drivers License bill now AND join us on 4/18
Posted Tue, 04/03/2012 - 8:58am
Posted Tue, 04/03/2012 - 8:58am
Posted Fri, 03/23/2012 - 2:45pm
Vermont Poised to Create Program for Residents to Access ID and Drivers Licenses Regardless of Immigration Status
VT Senate Votes for Freedom of Movement for ALL Creating Committee to Introduce ID and Drivers License Legislation
Posted Tue, 03/20/2012 - 7:46am
Posted Wed, 03/14/2012 - 5:15pm
We are making history THIS WEEK with Vermont farm workers, farmers, and fair food and human rights allies by organizing to pass S-238, a bill that will make accessible Vermont IDs and drivers' licenses to Vermont's migrant workers!
1. Update on S-238 and the STATE HOUSE ACTION DAY ON WED 3/14!
3. NEW Talking points on S-238 available here:
11 am Thursday update: Gov. Shumlin speaks out in support of S-238!
Posted Mon, 03/12/2012 - 12:18pm
Let's make history THIS WEEK with Vermont farm workers, farmers, and fair food and human rights allies by organizing to pass S-238, a bill that will make accessible Vermont IDs and drivers' licenses to Vermont's tireless migrant workers!
2. Help us Win the BATTLE OF THE STORY in the media! WRITE Letters to the Editor. Educate the Press!
3. Solidarity Transportation Opportunities
1. Join us for a STATE HOUSE ACTION DAY on Wed 3/14, 9am-1pm
Posted Thu, 03/08/2012 - 9:22am
Posted Wed, 03/07/2012 - 9:38am
We are making history in VT! While other states scapegoat and criminalize immigrants, Vermont is moving to embrace our tireless migrant farmworkers as equal members of our community!
S-238 was introduced in the Vermont Senate to provide a path for a state issued ID for farm workers. Migrant Justice partnered with the Senate Agriculture Committee to make the bill extend driver’s licenses to VT residents who don't have access to Social Security Numbers.
Posted Mon, 03/05/2012 - 2:43pm
Driver’s License Bill Passes Unanimously in Senate Agriculture Committee;Farmers, Farmworkers, Senators and Community Allies gear up for March 14th State House Day of Action
On Friday, March 2nd, after weeks of hard work by Migrant Justice and allies, the Vermont Senate Agriculture Committee unanimously voted on a bill that would make licenses accessible to everyone living and working in Vermont, regardless of whether they have access to a Social Security Number.
Posted Thu, 03/01/2012 - 8:19am
For Immediate Release Natalia Fajardo, Migrant Justice
February 29, 2012; (802) 497-7027
Vermont Farmers and Farmworkers join to say:
“Make VT State IDs and Drivers Licenses Available to
all people Living and Working in VT”
Posted Wed, 02/22/2012 - 5:59pm
****For Immediate Release****
February 22, 2012
Contact: Brendan O'Neill, 802-825-1609,
VT Farm Workers and Farmers Stand United for Immigrant Workers' Rights
Farm workers, dairy farmers, and VT Farm Bureau Testify for Equal Treatment for all those Living and Working in VT, Regardless of Immigration Status