Photo-report from Hannaford HQ Delegation
Posted Wed, 05/29/2024 - 8:20pm
On May 1st, farmworkers held a hugely successful one-day boycott of the Hannaford in Williston, VT that resulted in a double-digit drop in the store’s sales. Hundreds of customers made a choice to show their solidarity with farmworkers and not cross the picket line. Following this successful action, we reached out to Hannaford to request a meeting to discuss our invitation to join the Milk with Dignity Program.
Last Friday, after Hannaford failed to respond to the invitation, farmworkers decided to bring the message directly to Hannaford President Mike Vail at the company’s headquarters in Scarborough, Maine. With thousands of handwritten postcards from Hannaford customers in hand, a delegation of a dozen Vermont dairy workers and allies traveled to Scarborough and knocked on the company’s front doors.