VT Farmworkers Call for June 20th National Day of Action! Ben & Jerry's: It's Time to Sign the Milk with Dignity Agreement!

***November 2016 Campaign Update: Migrant Justice and Ben & Jerry's agreed in May 2015 to work together to operationalize the Milk with Dignity Program in the Ben & Jerry's Supply Chain and have been working steadily towards that goal ever since!


On June 20th Take Action in solidarity with Vermont dairy farmworkers! 

Join Migrant Justice on June 20th to demonstrate to Ben & Jerry's the growing support across the country for farmworker's call for Ben & Jerry's to join the Milk with Dignity Program!  Everything you need to know about the action will be kept up to date here.

Migrant Justice to Ben & Jerry's: "History has shown us that corporation’s promises of good will, particularly those that involve worker’s rights, must be written down in binding and enforceable agreements with workers. Ben & Jerry’s expects business partners to sign contracts. Why should workers expect anything less?"

VT Dairy Farmworkers Call on Ben & Jerry's to Enter Human Rights Agreement

Burlington, VT. June 9th--Vermont dairy farmworkers had a much anticipated meeting with Ben & Jerry's social mission department ready to break new ground inviting Ben & Jerry's to stand up for the human rights of farmworkers in their supply chain by joining the Milk with Dignity Program.   

Migrant Justice provided an in-depth overview of this Worker-Driven Social Responsibility (WSR) program, modeled after the Fair Food Program in Florida, demonstrating how the 5 essential elements of their proposal work together to ensure farmworker's rights are secured in Ben & Jerry's supply chain. After a productive dialogue about each element farmworker leader Victor Diaz asked for action:

"Will Ben & Jerry's stand up for the fundamental rights of the human beings that milk the cows in your supply chain by negotiating an agreement with Migrant Justice?"

New Video: VT Dairy Workers Demand Dignity and Respect from Ben & Jerry's

***November 2016 Campaign Update: Migrant Justice and Ben & Jerry's agreed in May 2015 to work together to operationalize the Milk with Dignity Program in the Ben & Jerry's Supply Chain and have been working steadily towards that goal ever since!

Check it out! Click on video:









The word is spreading across the nation:

VT dairy farmworkers are publicly calling on Ben & Jerry’s to meet and negotiate an agreement that will secure the rights of dairy workers in their supply chain. And thus far CEO Jostein Solheim has refused to meet with the dairy workers who put the cream in “Vermont’s finest Ice Cream”. 

Migrant Justice just released today a snapshot of survey results focusing in on conditions on the 38 of Ben & Jerry's farms that we surveyed in their supply chain. The results show that workplace conditions are actually worse in Ben & Jerry's supply chain as compared to the overall survey results.

Farmworkers Call for National Day of Action Demanding Ben & Jerry's Stand for Dairy Farmworker's Rights

***November 2016 Campaign Update: Migrant Justice and Ben & Jerry's agreed in May 2015 to work together to operationalize the Milk with Dignity Program in the Ben & Jerry's Supply Chain and have been working steadily towards that goal ever since!












On May Day a powerful grassroots movement of Vermont dairy farmworkers marched in the streets of Montpelier, VT with hundreds of workers and allies demanding Vermont step up its commitment to workers' rights.  Farmworker leader Enrique Balcazar told a crowd of supporters that dairy workers are fed up with wage theft, dangerous working conditions, no time off, substandard housing, and no enforcement of their rights. He offered farmworkers' solution:

"Join us for a national day of action on June 20th calling on Ben & Jerry's to take responsibility for these conditions in their supply chain. They've stood up to protect cows and chickens but not farmworkers! We need Milk with Dignity!"

Farmworkers Call on Ben & Jerry's to Stand Up for Dairy Workers' Rights in Supply Chain!

***November 2016 Campaign Update: Migrant Justice and Ben & Jerry's agreed in May 2015 to work together to operationalize the Milk with Dignity Program in the Ben & Jerry's Supply Chain and have been working steadily towards that goal ever since!









Stay tuned for a May Day Milk with Dignity on-line petition and exciting national call for future summer actions at Ben & Jerry scoop shops across the nation!!!

Vermonters, join farmworkers on May Day!!

When: May 1st, 11:30 am-2:30pm

Where: Montpelier May Day Human Rights March, meet at City Hall 11:30, march to State House

What: Bring Empty Plastic Milk Jugs--fill it with rice and join our rockin' Milk with Dignity Brigade!

If you can't come: Stay tuned for petition launch, social media blitz, and summer national day of action announcement on May Day!!!

Registehere to join us on May Day and get more info about the whole day here.

Migrant Justice Announces New Milk With Dignity Campaign at Farm to Plate Conference

Migrant Justice Launches Milk with Dignity Campaign!

On Thursday, Migrant Justice's Abel Luna, following a speech by VT Governor Shumlin, addressed a crowd of 300 people at the annual Vermont Farm to Plate conference to a backdrop of this powerful slideshow:




Solidarity With Ferguson: Take Local Action on Labor Day!

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After hearing about Ferguson's police murder of Michael Brown Migrant Justice farmworker organizer Kike Balcazar reflected, "As a young person of color and human being I feel both angry and threatened. When will this world recognize that we are human beings and that we are sisters and brothers? The broken systems of our society have created poisonous ideologies in our communities. We have to unite together to change this if we are ever to live in peace and harmony."
