Take 3 Urgent Actions: 1) Stop VT State Police Immigrant Profiling! 2) Speak Out Against Alabama's Draconian Immigration Enforcement! 3) Tell Leahy to Stop Pushing the Wall Street 1% Cherished 'Free Trade' Agenda!

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Dear friends of the Vermont Migrant Farmworker Solidarity Project,

We write to you at a critical moment for social change and economic justice and ask you to take 3 important actions below.

While on the one hand we are moved and inspired by the growing energy in this country and around the world to say NO to political and economic systems made for, by, and of the 1% super-elite Wall Streeters, we are also sobered by the reality facing our immigrant communities throughout the country and right here in Vermont.

5 Things to do for Danilo, Antonio and all of Vermont's Communities

Below are 5 things you can do to support Danilo and Antonio and all Vermont Farmworkers. We will be holding a meeting this week with our Coordinating Committee so please stay tuned for more in the coming days:

1) Thank the Governor for standing up for Vermont Farmworkers, in support of Bias-Free-Policing, and against Vermont Police acting as Federal Immigration Agents

"Driving for Justice: Volunteering with Central American workers on Vermont dairy farms" by VTMFSP Volunteer Solidarity Driver Christine Eber

Cars whiz by as I slow down to make my exit off the interstate north of Burlington, Vermont, not far from the Canadian border. I’m on my way to a dairy farm where I’ll pick up a couple young men from Guatemala and Chiapas, Mexico.

VT Farm Workers Deliver Petition to Gov. Shumlin and Sens. Leahy and Sanders Seeking Support to Stop Immigration Enforcement's Widely Discredited “Secure Communities" Program

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National Day of Action Puts Pressure on Obama Administration's Empty Promises and Controversial Deportation Program

Thursday, August 18th, 8:30 am. Burlington, VT--A group of Vermont farm workers, taking time away from their 60-80 hour work weeks, traveled to the State House today to express concern and seek support from Governor Shumlin to speak out against Immigration Enforcement's widely discredited "Secure Communities" program.

Vermonters Condemn Obama's Push of Immigration Enforcement's "Secure Communities" Program and Seek Support from Governor and Congressional Delegation

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Available as PDF: http://migrantjustice.net/sites/default/files/StopScomm.pdf

**************For Immediate Release****************

Brendan O'Neill and Natalia Fajardo, VT Migrant Farmworker Solidarity Project, 802.825.1609
James Haslam, VT Workers’ Center, 802.272.0882
B. Loewe, National Day Laborers Organizing Network, 773.791.4668

