Today! Call Hannaford to demand Milk with Dignity
Posted Tue, 02/25/2025 - 9:07pm
This has been a busy month for Migrant Justice. We are moving forward the fight for justice and human rights on all fronts, whether in the Vermont State House advancing a bill to expand housing access for immigrant families, in the press announcing the launch of the Building Dignity and Respect Program in the state’s construction industry, or on the streets responding to the increase in immigration surveillance and arrests.
Every day brings more news out of Washington of renewed attacks against immigrant rights. Employers take advantage of heightened fear and insecurity to abuse immigrant workers. At a local sawmill, for example, ten immigrant workers organized to demand long-promised raises and an end to abuses in employee housing; rather than meet with his employees, the boss summarily fired his workers and attempted to throw them out of their homes. And in the dairy industry, the need to expand Milk with Dignity to protect the rights of farmworkers has never been greater.
Today, supporters are making calls to Hannaford Supermarket to demand Milk with Dignity. Make your call now!
Throughout the day, hundreds of Milk with Dignity supporters will flood Hannaford’s phone lines to urge the company to join Milk with Dignity. Over the course of the campaign, Hannaford has received thousands of calls from customers and others in solidarity with the human rights of farmworkers. These calls – along with thousands of customer emails; endorsement letters from faith communities, shareholders, and civil society organizations; and dozens of farmworker-led protests – have forced Hannaford to respond. Rather than agree to meet with workers to discuss Milk with Dignity, however, the company has opted for false solutions aimed at avoiding accountability and tricking consumers.
But Hannaford’s customers are not fooled. Last year, we launched a pledge for consumers to signal their commitment to Milk with Dignity. Over 1,000 of you have already signed the pledge, committing to never cross a farmworker picket line at a Hannaford and to respecting a storewide boycott if workers call for one in the future.
Take action to support Milk with Dignity!
- Call Hannaford today, using the instructions in the graphic above
- Sign the Hannaford Consumer Pledge (if you haven’t already!)
- Take a photo of yourself with a sign explaining why you signed the pledge, and send it in response to this email
- Start to save your Hannaford receipts (more info to come on this one!)
Together we can fight for a future where all workers’ rights are protected and where everyone can live and work with dignity.
End of day update: over 250 confirmed calls!