Thelma and José: Call to Action!


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We want to close 2015 with two inspiring 2 minute videos (click on images below) of Thelma and José sharing how VT farmworkers are steadily securing their human rights through Migrant Justice!











Please Donate Today to Keep Building this Movement!


At the end of 2014 Migrant Justice invited you to support Vermont farmworkers to accomplish a very loft goal:


"With your support, in 2015 a major dairy corporation will agree to source 100% of its  milk from farmworker defined human rights standards!"

One year later, all of us on the Migrant Justice team, want to thank all of you who helped farmworkers accomplish this goal!  In 2015, Ben & Jerry's committed to source 100% of its milk in the Northeast through the Milk with Dignity Program (video recap here).


In 2016, Migrant Justice needs your support in order to:

  • Build and operationalize the Milk with Dignity Program to ensure hundreds of workers know how to enforce their newly secured rights
  • Set up the grassroots infrastructure for truly effective 3rd Party monitoring, enforcement, and complaint mechanisms;
  • Educate and mobilize the broader community in Vermont, the Northeast and the country to support this campaign and to address the deeper issues of inequalities within our food system
  • Use this momentum to continue to build a member-led grassroots farmworker organization and to build our capacity to expand the program.


Please help us continue this groundbreaking work to advance human rights and dignity by donating today!